晚上收到一個驚喜包裹,原來是老公住在Texas的阿嬤寄的,拆開來一個key cabinet (放鑰匙的裝飾)真是巧呀,老公之前想買一個key cabinet, 沒想到阿嬤心有靈犀一點通~ 更讓我們感動的是,阿嬤寫的信~

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I saw the news about Julie Chen’s blepharoplasty (double eyelid surgery). Some people criticized Julie that she rejected her Chinese culture and was ashamed of her Asian features. I feel annoyed when hearing people say that. Double eyelid surgery is very common in Asia and it’s like breast implant for American girls. It’s definitely not that Asians want to have a plastic surgery to look like Caucasians. Having a plastic surgery never changes one’s race. A friend of mine asked me if it’s true that Asian girls with light skin are considered beautiful due to Western influence. I said, “Nonsense. In ancient time, a person’s skin could show one’s social status. A girl with dark skin means she’s probably in the poor family that requires her to work outside or do labor work. Obviously it doesn’t apply to us anymore. However, it is still deeply rooted in Asian culture. For us, lighter skin represents beauty. It doesn’t mean Asians want to look like Caucasians. Similarly, Caucasians like to have tanned skin, but it doesn’t mean they want to be Africans or Latinos”.

Why does plastic surgery have to do with racial identity? When does plastic surgery become racial transformation? I think having a plastic surgery is a personal choice. I am just happy for Julie Chen’s new look. She looks beautiful with her double eyelids.

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Recently I read “23 things to do instead of getting married”, I found it very interesting. There are many things I wish I did before getting married to my dear husband. Don’t get me wrong. I love my husband so much and marrying to him is one of the best things in my life. I was married at age of 24. This list is just somethings I wish I could do in my single years.

1. Travel overseas

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